Saturday, August 3, 2013

"Do you need anything?"

While there had been a lavish family Christmas at Varner in 1902, J.S. Hogg was apparently unable to finance a country holiday for his children in 1903. As a result of the reckless drilling in the Spindletop boom and a glut on the oil market, crude oil prices had dropped dramatically. The New York Times reported that “panicky conditions prevail in the Texas oil markets particularly at Beaumont and Sour Lake.” Ima was at last out of the sanitarium and staying at the Driskill Hotel with her father and oldest brother, Will, and Mike and Tom spent a dreary holiday at their respective boarding schools in Maryland and New Jersey. Mike did not make the grades to get into the U.S. Naval Academy, as he had hoped. In late January Ima wrote to cheer him:

Dearest “Mickie”:
Well, reading between the lines of your letter about Annapolis – I don’t think you want any of it.  How about it?  As far as I’m concerned, I’m glad of it  - and I think papa and brother are, too. – What do you think of going to Lawrenceville with Tom? There may be no vacancies, so don’t get flouried [sic].  Wouldn’t it be dandy? . . . 
At last I walk without crutches, though I limp a good deal at times, and can’t walk very far; very little, in fact.  You will be surprised when I tell you I danced, while away.  And it wasn’t any trouble either.  Papa was frantic when he heard about it.  I really suppose it has put me back some.
Papa went to Houston Thursday night again; and won’t be back for some time.  So Brother and I are bunking together.  I have a nice large room with my piano, - fixed so we use it as a sitting room; Brother and Papa have a room connecting.  And with a large bath we are very comfortable.  Write often & long letters all about yourself.  Do you need anything?  
Lovingly your Sis, Imie

  Ima Hogg was indeed a loving “Sis.”

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